Devlog 0.0.1

I am currently developing Unity skills, and working through some basic sprites for my game. Including the Duck w/ a shotgun, standing in place. Seriously didn't have any idea how long it would take to do everything for my game, but hopefully within a year (or two) I will  have something to publish.

I've been working on my art skills recently as well as considering creating a side-scroller 'prequel'  to my main game to set the stage story-wise. Found a really cool pixel art tutorial set and I've been using it to polish some of my sprites. Wanted to upload the first one, may or may not use this asset, almost doesn't fit for my top-down idea, but it should work well for the side-scroller. I also feel like I need some practice at game development before I work on something I can either begin to crowdsource or get a publisher for.

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